Sunday, June 15, 2008

More Wildlife

A mew gull tries to keep a golden eagle from attacking her young. This is quite a brave gull!Not happy with any moose photo yet. This was taken from the train near Panorama Moutain during an interp program.
A porcupine. These are extremely hard to photograph. As soon as you see one, it scampers into the woods.
Dall sheep. This is a ewe and her lambs.
A mew gull finds a feast from the leftovers of an artic ground squirrel.
The golden eagle is incredibley majestic. It is bigger than a bald eagle and is more pravalent in Denali.A perfect landing...

Eeek, eek, eek...
A beaver in one of the many kettle ponds on the western end of the park.


  1. Jessie Wood-MillerJune 16, 2008 at 3:59 AM

    The gull snacking on the remains of another critter looks strangely similar to one I saw snacking at the Bay City KFC.

  2. Is there a particular reason why they are called kettle ponds? Just wondering. Wade
